Glitter, Stickers, and Crayons- How To Regression Journal for Beginners - Age Regression Series

Ciao Lovelies! Today’s post is all about regression journaling- what it is, what it’s good for, how to start one, and some journal prompts. Now, if you don’t know what Age Regression is, please read our post HERE first. Now, let’s get into it!

What Is it?/What Is It Good For?

A regression journal is a journal that you write in / color/draw in when regressed! You can also make pages for yourself while you’re not regressed to do when you regress! I use my regression journal to help me regress when I can’t do it naturally. Sometimes you just need a lil push.

How to Start One:

Step 1- Acquire a Journal/notebook! It doesn’t matter what kind of notebook you get, because….

Step 2- Decorate! Cover the notebook with stickers or glitter or washi tape or drawings of whatever you like!

Step 3- Make some pages for yourself to fill out while regressed. You can print out like grade school worksheets or coloring pages and glue them in. Or wordsearches/crosswords! Or you can do what I did and write in a bunch of drawing/writing prompts!

Step 4- Use it! Have lots of fun using your imagination to make the journal amazing! You can glue or tape in cute things you find, put in lots of stickers, glitter, washi tape, whatever you like!

Journal Prompts:

-          Make an “About Me” page! Fill it out with your name, regression ages (if you know them), nicknames, likes and dislikes! Maybe even include or draw a picture of yourself!

-          Make a page with lots of big circles. On the top of the page write “Yummy Food! Draw your favorite foods in the circles!”

-          Make a page where you can draw cute clothes!

-          Make a page FULL of everything you can think of that you like! For example, your fave: color, tv character, dessert, book, food, animal, outfit, activity, pie, cake, stuffed animal, etc etc!

-          Draw the outline of a dress on a page (or a T-shirt!) Leave it for your regressed self to design it!

-          Make a “What’s in My Bag?” Page! Draw a big bag and let your regressed self draw what’s inside!

I hope you all like this idea! I love using this to help me regress and relax! 

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Thanks for reading, I love you all, and I’ll see you in our next post!


  1. Thanks this really helped! I'm a young age regressor and my family doesn't really know and I don't plan on telling them anytime soon... do you have any tips for hiding?

    1. Hi! I'm glad this post could help :) I will be sure to make something soon on the topic of "Subtle/Discreet Regression!" Please be sure to keep an eye on OFT's Instagram account (@onlyfunthingsblog) because I will post updates on new content there! Thanks for reading!


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