Ciao lovelies! Today, I'm sharing 4 DIY school supplies that you will LOVE!
To make these supplies, we'll need:
Some pencils, a old notebook, a chalkboard, a pack of sticky notes. You will also need:
For the first project, we will be covering an old notebook to give it new life:
First, glue the stationary paper to the cover, leaving some overhang. Cut as shown, then fold down and glue the tabs we created. Cut a piece of paper to cover the raw edges on the inside and be a label on the outside. And we're done!
Now let's try making a watermelon mini-notepad.
Take your post it notes and cut one side into a curve. Cut and glue a half circle of white, then a half circle of red or pink, onto the sticky note pad to look like a watermelon. Lastly, draw on some seeds with a permanent black marker.
These last two projects are super easy!
For the last two projects we are simply decorating the items with washi tape! I wrapped the pencils in this shiny washi tape. I framed the chalkboard in washi tape as well.
Type your thoughts here!