Ciao lovelies! Today, we'll be making hot glue charms!
For these charms, all you will need is hot glue, a flat clean silicone/nonstick surface, lotion, eyepins, glitter, nail polish, paint, and any other desired decor.
The basic process of making these charms is the same for each type. Use the lotion to grease our surface. Lay an eyepin down on the surface. Use hot glue to create your desired shape over the eyepin. Wait until it completely dries and peel it off your surface. Add more glue over the eyepin on the other side to secure it.
For charms with beads in them, add the beads while the glue is still wet. For glitter charms, add the glitter while the glue is still wet.
Once the charms are all dry, paint them with nail polish or paint. It's that easy! You can use this method to make charms of whatever you want!
Will you be making these charms? Let us know in the comments!
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