Ciao lovelies! Today’s post is highlighting some of the most
terrifying yet awesome creatures on Planet Earth! From plants to fish to
insects, these creatures are both nightmare inducing and intriguing!
Plenty of nightmares can come from this list in general, but for those
with phobias of- insects, leeches, fish, giant flowers, or carnivorous plants,
this is a small trigger warning for you. Maybe skip this one.
That warning being put out there, let’s get into the list!
#1- Corpseflower (Amorphophallus
from National Geographic |
This giant flower dwells within the rainforests in western
Sumatra. Not only is it famous for it’s monstrous size (it can be up to ten
feet tall!), but it is also well-known for a much more sinister reason- it
smells like rotting flesh! Coincidentally, this is where it gets it’s common
name, “corpseflower.” I don’t know about you, but the idea of a massive plant
that smells like rotting corpses gives me the shivers. Imagine, someone could
hide a body in there and nobody would know. Ugh!
#2- Anglerfish (Lophius
From National Geographic |
This sea monster lurks at the bottom of the ocean, where no
light reaches. While they are relatively tiny (barely bigger than a teacup),
they possess a mouth full of sharp, needlelike teeth. But the strangest part is
for sure the way they lure their prey. Female anglerfish use that glowing spike
that pokes out of their head to lure prey right into their mouths! And have I
mentioned how they mate? The male is nothing more than a pair of testes that
attaches to the female, dies, and becomes part of her. Talk about together
forever. Remind me to never court an anglerfish. (Not that I would anyway, look
at those TEETH!)
#3- Terrestrial Leeches (Phytobdella
from Wonders of the Monsoon |
If A Series of Unfortunate Events didn’t make you scared of
leeches, this certainly will. There are some species of leeches that live on
land, not in the water. The worst part? They can sense carbon dioxide put off
by prey. If you sit on the ground in areas where they are, you can see them
start to move towards you. These leeches are terrifying, and can swallow an
entire earthworm whole, crushing it with it’s throat muscles. If that doesn’t
make you shiver even a little bit, I don’t know what will.
(Source- My Biology Class in college)
#4- Venus Flytrap (Dionaea
from National Geographic |
Imagine this. You’re a fly, buzzing around getting nectar
for lunch. You see a yummy looking plant, and land on it. BAM! It closes on you
and begins to digest you. It may sound like science fiction, but this is a real
plant on planet Earth! Venus Flytraps secrete nectar, but have neat little
contraptions called “trigger hairs” all over them; when a fly or other insect
lands for a nice nectar meal, the trigger hairs alert the plant and it snaps
shut, and begins digesting it’s prey. Sometimes alive, sometimes dead. Not to
mention those lethal looking “spikes” on it. It looks like a hungry mouth full
of sharp teeth!
#5- White Witch Moth (Thysania
From Project Noah |
Not only does this moth have the largest wingspan of any
insect in the world, but it also “comes from the Family Noctuidae, the same
family as the Black Witch.” (Source
) With all that witchcraft in one animal family, one could almost believe that
these creatures are reincarnated witches, come to seek revenge on the people
who killed them. Or something terrifying like that.
Have you got the shivers yet? Going to have nightmares? I
know I am!
Thanks for reading this list! I had a lot of fun researching
these creatures!
See you in tomorrow’s post! It’s an opinion piece!
Type your thoughts here!