App Review- Booster Buddy!

Ciao lovelies! Lunaria here, to review an app I think is helpful for anyone with mental illness or without- BoosterBuddy!

I found out about this app through Tumblr, and have been trying it for about 2 weeks. And I really like it!

BoosterBuddy is a personal assistance app that helps your mental state!

When you first start, you choose an animal! I chose a fox. That animal becomes your buddy!

Each day, you do a check in where you report your mental state. Then you do 3 quests designed to help your motivation and mental state, usually based on your check-in. Doing these 3 quests helps wake up your buddy and earn you coins that you can spend buying your buddy clothes!

This app has you put in what's called a "crisis plan" where you put in your local hospital, emergency number info, and an emergency contact. If you feel suicidal, you can use your crisis plan to get help!

You can also use this app to help you develop better habits, like taking meds on time or brushing your teeth. You just add a task, pick a time, and at that time, do that task, then mark it as completed to earn more coins!

Each time you level up you unlock more clothes for your buddy!

I think the best part of this app is that the buddy thanks you for waking them and provides a daily inspiring quote and words of kindness. And at the end, it asks you to come wake it up again tomorrow- providing much needed motivation to get out of bed for those who are depressed. 

After two weeks- I am wholly in love with this app. I think it is super helpful for me (someone with depression, anxiety, etc.) because it motivates me to accomplish small tasks and get out of bed!

I love the concept behind this app. This is perfect!

The app is super cute but not overwhelming, and the buddy is super cute as well!

I think this app will help many people like me with mental illness and should be downloaded if possible- it's even free!

What do you think of this app? Have you tried it? Will you? Let me know!

See you in our next post!


  1. I just restarted mine for third time(recovery sucks), have you ever seen anyone or personally gotten to level 99? It would be something nice to anticipate to see if it keeps going or just stops counting, but I wanted to know if anyone actually stays with it long enough to get there. Thank you for writing this lovely article on it and I hope to see some more things that are thrice cute, fun and helpful. I hope you have a good time of day, and thank you if you read this

    1. Unfortunately i’ve never seen anyone get to that level. I wonder what happens when people do? Thank you so much for reading! I hope we can continue to provide you with content you like! 💕


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