Target Trip

Ciao Lovelies! The other day, I took a trip to Target with my mom! I took pics of cute stuff I saw to share with you! Plus, at the end, I posted my Vlog with my mom!

Let's go!
 My boots and chevron leggings.
 Aren't these gemstones the cutest?
 Adorable fake succulents!
 I love their office supplies. Very posh!
 They had the cutest pillows!
 Finally found something with my letter!
 This was the most adorable penguin pillow!
 They also had these cute unicorn and panda plushies!
 And this adorable shopkins pillow!
 The fox pillow is TOO CUTE! Plus I love the quote on the other pillow "Everyday is an adventure"! I believe that wholeheartedly.
 I loved these stone mushrooms!
I agree with this quote too! "Never stop exploring" is right!
As promised, here is the vlog with my mom:
I tried a more artsy video editing style, what do you think?
-This post was not sponsored!-